Areas to Volunteer

There are so many ways to volunteer your time with the Summit Band!

Why volunteer? You get to see your student around their friends and be awesome at what they do. You can also earn points! If you earn 20 points, you actually get Activity Fee 2 waived off of your band fees. Check out these volunteer opportunities and the point associated with them:

20 points - Serve as a member of the Band Booster Executive Board

15 points - Serve as a committee co-chair/coordinator for one of the major band booster fund raising activities

1 point - Attend a band booster meeting throughout the year

3 points - Volunteer as a member of the Pit/Sound Crew for a football game

6 points - Volunteer as a member of the Pit/Sound Crew for a marching contest day

3 points - Volunteer as a member of the Colorguard Prop/Equipment Crew for a football game

6 points - Volunteer as a member of the Colorguard Prop/Equipment Crew for a marching contest day

3 points - Volunteer as a member of the Equipment Truck Crew for a football game

6 points - Volunteer as a member of the Equipment Truck Crew for a marching contest day/winterguard contest day

5 points - Work on our grill team for a contest or even throughout the year

2 points - Work one shift of spirit wear sales throughout the year

3 points - Volunteer as a Bus Chaperone for a football game day

6 points - Volunteer as a Bus Chaperone for a marching contest day/winterguard contest day

3 points - Work a shift during the Registration Day

3 points - Work a spirit wear sales shift at a football game

2 points - Volunteer to help during the March-a-thon fund raiser

2 points - Volunteer to help at “Meet The Band” night

1 point - Donate a case of water or case of snack food

2 points - Donate an item to the Jazz Dinner Dance Silent Auction

3 points - Work one shift at the Jazz Dinner Dance & Silent Auction

3 points - Serve as a room monitor for the MISD High School Ensemble Contest

3 points - Serve as a room monitor for a TMEA sponsored band audition hosted by the Summit Band

3 points - Serve as a room monitor for an MISD sponsored band audition hosted by the Summit Band

3 points - Work one shift at NTCA sponsored contest hosted by the Summit