Wind Ensemble
The most advanced performing ensemble at SHS, team taught by Mr. Whaley and Ms. Hermanson. This band performs the highest-level literature and is composed mostly of upperclassmen. This band competes at the Varsity level in the UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest. Members of this ensemble are required to enroll in private lessons, participate in the All-District and All-Region Band Auditions, perform in at least one class 1 ensemble for the MISD Ensemble Contest, AND perform at least one class 1 solo at the MISD Solo Contest, as well as be leaders in other performing ensembles such as Jazz Band, chamber music ensembles, and Percussion Ensemble. The Wind Ensemble will set the standard in musical performance, integrity, and professionalism at Summit High School.
Symphonic Band
The feeder group for the Wind Ensemble, team taught by Mr. Whaley and Ms. Hermanson. This band performs high-level literature and is composed of students of all grades. This band competes at the Non-Varsity level in the UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest. Members of this ensemble are expected to enroll in private lessons, required to participate in the All-District and All-Region Band Auditions, perform in at least one class 1 or class 2 ensemble for the MISD Ensemble Contest, AND perform at least one class 1 or class 2 solo at the MISD Solo Contest, as well as be leaders in other performing ensembles such as Jazz Band, chamber music ensembles, and Percussion Ensemble. The Symphonic Band will follow the standard set by the Wind Ensemble in musical performance, integrity, and professionalism.
Concert Band
The feeder group for the Symphonic Band, team taught by Mr. Whaley and Ms. Hermanson. This band is composed of students of all grades. This band competes at the Sub Non-Varsity level in the UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest. Members of this ensemble are encouraged to enroll in private lessons, participate in the All-District and All-Region Band Auditions, perform in at least one class 1 or class 2 ensemble for the MISD Ensemble Contest, AND perform at least one class 1 or class 2 solo at the MISD Solo Contest, as well as be leaders in other performing ensembles such as Jazz Band, chamber music ensembles, and Percussion Ensemble. The Concert Band will follow the standard set by the Wind Ensemble in musical performance, integrity, and professionalism.