Welcome to the Jaguar Band Family!

Band Action 6

The Facts

70% of the nation's major universities report that participation in a musical organization is a higher consideration than standardized test scores for admission decisions.

Band builds positive self-worth and is a place for everyone.

You gain multiple "real world" skills including discipline, ability to analyze, communicate clearly, work cooperatively, lead a team, and more. All skills vital to becoming the nation's next generation of leaders in whatever career you choose.


Band is a family. You truly feel at home.

The Summit Jaguar Band Program is successful. From the BOA Medalist Marching Band to the nationally acclaimed concert bands, you will be a part of something special.

Trips! Disney Florida, AT&T Stadium, St. Louis, Rangers Ballpark, New York, Branson, and many more!

Hard work. We take pride in work ethic in the Jaguar Band. Whether that be private lessons, all-region, solo and ensemble, or just your daily practice routine, success in life finds those that consistently work to improve themselves.

Frequently asked Questions


How can I be successful in high school band?

  • Beyond practicing, we recommend enrolling in private lessons if you aren't currently enrolled. Private lessons during the summer are especially helpful. Click the button below for a list of our teachers and contact information: Lesson Staff

What instrument should I play in marching band? Can I upgrade my current instrument? If so, to what?

  • Click this link for an "in depth" look at your instrument. We talk about upgrading your instrument, accessories, and even what instrument to use in marching band. *Take note that some instruments are school provided as indicated right below that instrument name.

Is marching band required?

  • Yes, and students enjoy marching band because a part of a successful group that promotes academic excellence in addition to many other skills. The trips, games, competitions, and friends are well worth the time commitment for both students & parents.

What class should I join?

  • If you didn't audition, that's okay! You should be double blocked in Concert Band. If you auditioned, you should be placed in your appropriate concert band.

What are the time commitments for Varsity members vs. JV members?

  • Both Varsity and JV commits 8 hours of rehearsal a week September-October. Both attend football games and competitions although the JV members will have a different role than the varsity band.

Hear from our Alumni

Coming soon!