Summit Band Boosters & Executive Board

The Summit High School Band Boosters are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the sole purpose of supporting the Summit High School Band and Color Guard programs within the Mansfield Independent School District.

Current Executive Board

President - Lori Peugh and Elizabeth Caffey

Works with the directors to ensure boosters and band are running smoothly, facilitates monthly board of directors and general meetings.

Oversees: all board members and committees.

1st Vice President - Dondi Hayhurst and Christina Fuentes

In charge of Service, Support and Student Activity Committees

Oversees: Band Banquet Committee, Student Social Committee, Chaperone Committee, Cooler Team, Grill Team, Halftime Announcer, Hospitality Committee, Pit Crew, Props/Repair Team, Photography and Social Media, Scholarship Committee, Truck/Loading Team, Uniform Committee

2nd Vice President - Andrea Joseph

In charge of Band Projects/Fundraising Committees

Oversees: Spiritwear, Sponsorship, Craft Fest, Jazz Dinner Dance and Silent Auction, March-A-Thon

3rd Vice President - Debbi Thomas

In charge of Color Guard/Winter Guard

Oversees: All Color Guard events

4th Vice President - Sarah Cuellar

In charge of Membership Committees

Oversees: Volunteer Points, Family Care Coordinator, New Parent Mentor, Meet the Band Night

Treasurer - Danielle Madyun

In charge of Booster Financials

Oversees: management of all money associated with the boosters, maintenance of an accurate account of all money received and distributed, deposits, checks, reimbursement, audit.

Secretary - Julie Deib

In charge of Booster Financials

Oversees: the recording of official business of the boosters, taking minutes at all board meetings and general meetings, Music Note emails to parents

Co-Chairs and Coordinators


Under the supervision of the 1st Vice President

Band Banquet Chairperson


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Band Banquet Committee - Event is once a year in May

Organizes theme, decoration, set-up/tear-down, and catering. Compiles "Senior Wills" and designs a program and placemats for the event.

Grill Team Chairpersons


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Grill Team - Marching season, socials, and large trips

Coordinates logistics with the Hospitality Committee and 1st VP. Works together to grill meals at large events throughout the year.

Pit Crew Chairperson


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Pit Crew - All events including the drumline
Help the Truck Team get the band’s front ensemble and electronic equipment on and off the field during football games and contests.

Scholarship Chairperson


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Scholarship Committee - 2-3 times in March only
Reviews student’s scholarship applications and decide on the amount to award. A member on this committee cannot be a parent/guardian of a graduating senior eligible for the scholarship.

Chaperone Chairpersons


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Chaperone Committee - Events throughout year

Ensures the band director’s request for chaperones is fully staffed at each event.

Halftime Announcer

Roy Hayhurst

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Halftime Announcer - Marching season only

Must be able to attend all football games to read a script introducing the band at Halftime over the PA system located in the Press Box.

Prop/Repair Chairperson


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Props/Repair Team - Marching and Winter Guard season
Coordinates and organizes the design of props and purchasing of parts. Often asked to help maintain or fix broken props throughout the year.

Student Social Chairperson


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Student Social Committee - Events throughout year
Coordinates with the Band Council to arrange different sections bringing various snacks and drinks, games, and activities and often provides pizza for sale. Students typically are charged $5.00 and are asked to pay to participate. Used as a Band Council fundraiser for the Band Banquet.

Uniform Chairperson

Darlene Lozada

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Uniform Committee - Early marching season, and early concert season
This committee will work together to fit, hem, and distribute the uniforms to all band students. Occasional repairs to uniforms may be needed throughout the year.

Cooler Team Chairperson


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Cooler Team - Marching season, and large trips

Coordinates logistics with the Hospitality Committee and 1st VP. Arrives before the equipment trucks leave to fill water jugs with ice and water for students to top off their personal water jugs during the third quarter snack. Same on contest days, except the water is mixed with Gatorade powder, and cups, snacks, lunch, and dinner will need to be loaded as well. The team will be on call throughout the day to refill coolers as needed with either water, ice, or Gatorade. Members may have to go off-site to buy ice for reimbursement.

Hospitality Chairpersons

Roy and Dondi Hayhurst

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Hospitality Committee - Events throughout the year

Coordinates and serves any meals requested by the band director during the year including catering, or working with the Grill Team.

Photography and Social Media Chairperson

Roy Hayhurst

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Photography and Social Media - Events throughout the year
Takes pictures at band events throughout the year. Works with our webmaster on getting photos loaded up on our website and/or SmugMug site. This person is sometimes used for our band registration formal student and family/friends pictures as well.

Trucks/Loading Chairperson


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Truck/Loading Team - Marching and Winter Guard season
Coordinates logistics directly with the band directors, helps load the trucks, and then drives the equipment trucks to football games, contests, and stadium rehearsals. The Truck Team may also help with the chaperones and Pit Crew by moving equipment on and off the field.

Under the supervision of the 2nd Vice President

Craft Fest Chairperson


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Craft Fest - Coordinated from August - November

On the second Saturday of November each year, Summit High School is transformed into an enormous shopping venue. This person coordinates about 140 vendors setting up and tearing down of the event, and makes use of dozens of student volunteers. This is one of the largest fundraisers for the band each year, and it takes the hard work of all the parents and students to make it a success. There is a big binder with instructions on how to make this event run smoothly.

Spiritwear Chairperson


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Spiritwear - Throughout the year
This person is in charge of ordering and maintaining inventory of our spirit wear throughout the year as well as selling spirit wear at football games and other events throughout the year.

March-a-thon Chairpersons

Lisa and Tim Vidler

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March-a-thon - Coordinated September - October

Collects a list of stand tunes from the band directors, solicits individual "driveway" performances by distributing flyers to mailboxes or doorsteps in the Fannin Farms Neighborhood, creates a map for the band outlining the individual performances, creates the handout and flyer to give information to band families, receives permits from the City of Arlington, coordinates Arlington Police Department to follow the band.

Sponsorship Chairperson


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Sponsorship - Summer Band/beginning of the school year
Do you enjoy soliciting donations from area businesses desiring to sponsor our band program with their generous, tax deductible gifts? We offer different levels of sponsorship for both businesses and individuals and would love as much support at possible.

Jazz Dinner Chairperson


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Jazz Dinner Dance and Silent Auction - Coordinated from February - March
Usually in March The Jazz Dinner Dance and Silent Auction is a huge fundraiser every year. This person coordinates a theme, designs a poster, organizes the decoration/set-up/tear-down process, makes baskets and bidding sheets of all the donated items, coordinates catering, and organizes ticket sales with the help from the Treasurer.

Under the supervision of the 3rd Vice President

Color Guard Coordinator

Debbi Thomas

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Color Guard Coordinator - Events throughout the year
The person attends and coordinates logistics for all color guard events. They would be the point person for the NTCA Color Guard contest that we often host, and would act as an advocate on the board for all things colorguard including staffing, rehearsals, contests, props, logistics, socials, and awards

Under the supervision of the 4th Vice President

Family Care Coordinator


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Family Care Coordinator - Events throughout the year
Assists with information and care when we have a family or band student in crisis.

Meet The Band Night Chairperson


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Meet the Band Night - Coordinated in August
This is the first official event for band parents. Organizes the sale of spirit wear, invites the Kona Ice truck out, speaks at the event to introduce our directors and the Boosters, and help with seating. Ensures that guests, like the parents of students of TA Howard who often joins us all feel welcome.

Volunteer Points

Sarah Cuellar

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Volunteer Points - Events throughout the year
Meticulously tracks volunteer and donation points on the google spreadsheet, clearly defines how many points are given for any donation, and answers parents questions regarding points throughout the year.

New Parent Mentor Chairperson


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New Parent Mentor - Throughout the whole year
Mentors parents of new students and incoming freshmen by helping assimilate them into the band family. This is easily done by simply being a friend to a new parent and by helping them to “learn the ropes” of being a part of a high school band program.

Under the supervision of the Treasurer

Audit Committee

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Audit Committee - According to the Summit Band Boosters, Inc. bylaws, this committee audits the Treasurer’s books at the end of the year and presents a report for adoption at the first general meeting of the following school year. This committee will be appointed by the newly elected President and voted on in the May meeting. The audit usually takes a few hours and is conducted in July

Budget Committee

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Budget Committee - According to the Summit Band Boosters, Inc. bylaws, this committee develops an annual budget, and includes three members-at-large chosen at the May meeting and will prepare an annual budget for the following school year. Please let us know if you are interested in assisting on this committee.

Under the supervision of the Secretary

Nominating Committee

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Nominating Committee - According to the Summit Band Boosters, Inc. bylaws, this committee will prepare a list of nominees for each elected organization office and present it to the general membership at the April General Meeting. We will ask for volunteers later in the year to fill this committee.

Publicity Chairperson


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Publicity – Promotes the events and accomplishments of the Summit High School band and Colorguard/Winterguard, publishes pictures and articles in local newspapers and notifies the Summit HS webmaster as well as the MISD webmaster.


Travis Whaley

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Webmaster - Throughout the year

Updates the website in a timely manner ensuring the most up to date information is portrayed. 

The band booster organization depends solely on volunteers to run and support booster activities. We are always looking for volunteers both to serve on the Band Booster Board and help run fund raisers like concessions, Craft Fair, March-A-Thon, and other various events. The parent(s) or guardian(s) of each registered student is considered a General Member of the Summit Band Boosters and receive one General Member Vote at our General Meetings held throughout the year.

The General Members vote in the Executive Board of Directors. The President on the board of directors then nominates the members who shall serve on the Management Board and those nominations are then confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Each chairperson nominated to the board have a voting position. Additionally other Co-Chairs and Coordinators can be elected by the board as needed, however these are non-voting positions.