Summit Band Auditions

2023-2024 Auditions: All Wind Players

Tentative Audition dates
May 8th: Wester
May 9th: Howard
May 10th: Summit
May 11th: Summit
May 12th: Wester/Howard/Summit leftovers


In the google drive, you'll find the following:

Folder 1: Audition Informational Handout
Contains a one page PDF of audition information


Folder 2: Audition Etudes
Contains your instrument specific etudes. Lyrical and technical. Play both to the best of your ability. Lyrical should show your musicality, connection, dynamic control, and beautiful tone. Technical should show everything the lyrical etudes shows, plus your rhythm reading, and articulation. No met during performance.


Folder 3: Audition Etude Recordings
This will give you a reference recording of your etude. These are in .aiff format. If you need to convert the file to something different use


Folder 4: Audition Scales
Contains the full range scales that we've been doing in band class. You will have two minutes to play as many scales, as many octaves as you can. 10 points per octave with a met at a tempo of your choice.


Folder 5: Audition Chromatic Scale Information
Contains information about how to play your chromatic scale for your audition.


Access everything here


Good luck!


More information coming soon!

Percussion Auditions deadline will be early/mid May

Jazz Band

More information coming soon!

Jazz Band Auditions are usually mid November