The Summit Jaguar Marching Band is a great source of pride for both Summit High School and the community. The Jaguar Band performs at all varsity football games, pep-rallies, and marching contests throughout the DFW area.
The Summit Marching Band is a consistent UIL sweepstakes recipient and finalist at marching contests throughout the DFW Area. The band has earned consecutive 1st division ratings at the Region Marching Contest since 2002, and have been Area finalists since 2010. The Summit Marching Band is a consistent Bands of America finalist, and recently BOA Regional Champions in class 3A, BOA Regional Silver Medalists, and advanced to state marching band contest for the first time in the school's history in 2021.
Composed of all students in the band program; performs at all football games, pep rallies, and parades. The marching band performs at several competitions throughout the season and rehearses outside of school up to eight hours per week which are part of every student’s grade. Attendance is the key factor to any band and band members success. Every student in the band program regardless of status performs in uniform under the lights at every football game. Our performance consists of music played live for our drill team, the Sapphires, plus a portion of our competition show. At contests, non-varsity students will have different roles where they assist with props, or act as cast members of the show. The success of the program relies on having all-hands-on-deck for every contest and everyone in attendance. Once the competitive season is over (typically beginning of November), the marching band will learn a spirit show that they will perform for the remainder of the season.
Benefits of Marching Band
Band is a great way to get your child involved in something positive, providing an authentic learning experience that engage students' minds, hearts, and bodies as well as develop cognitive, social, and personal competencies.
Students learn to be excellent leaders on and off the field.
Music increases the ability to multitask, to think critically, problem solve, manage time, and work cooperatively as a team towards shared goals of the band program.
Band students can receive college scholarships. In fact, many admissions officers have spoken to the fact that students in marching band for all four years are accepted to universities at a higher rate than an equal student who did not participate in marching band.
The band experience is often the highlight of a student's high school years.
In the Summit marching band, we teach respect, responsibility, camaraderie, leadership grit, and musicianship.

2024 Production: SpellBOUND
Part 1 - Hocus Pocus - Slyer, Pagan Danes mvt. 1 - Barnes
Part 2 - Beetlejuice - Elfman, Danse Macabre - Saint-Saens
Part 3 - Do You Believe in Magic/I Put A Spell On You - Lennox/Khan
Part 4 - Pagan Dances mvt. 4 - Barnes