Jag Band Update 8/28/22
Hey Jags, welcome to your 2nd full week of school!
I hope you are all staying on top of your assignments and not digging yourself into a hole with missing or incomplete assignments. Remember, if you fail, you cannot come to any ticketed events including football games, competitions, or trips. Stay on top of your assignments.
Schedule at a glance
This Week
Monday: Brass/Percussion 3:30-5:30; Woodwinds/Guard 5:30-7:30
Tuesday: Brass/Percussion 3:30-5:30; Woodwinds/Guard 5:30-7:30
Thursday: Full Band Rehearsal 4:00-7:30
Friday: Football vs Mansfield at Newsom
Next Week
Monday: No school – Labor Day
Tuesday: Full Band Rehearsal 4:00-7:00, Booster Meeting 7:00-8:00
Wednesday: Full Band Rehearsal 4:00-6:00
Thursday: Full Band Rehearsal 4:00-7:00
Friday: Football vs Crowley at Crowley
Old Business
Prop Painting
There were so many people involved in making the prop painting day a success regardless of the paint retrieval snafu. Seeing all the parents who want to support the band and all the students who want to do that “little extra” is humbling and makes me proud to be a part of such a strong team. Thank you all for your help yesterday!
First Football Game
This is in the books! Congratulations to everyone who made this event go off without a hitch – again, seeing all that parent help is AMAZING, and seeing the older students guiding the younger students on how we do things at Summit is terrific. Thank you to all!
Meet the Jags Night
This happened last Wednesday, and the band represented themselves and the school with a great attitude.
Upcoming Event Information
Football Game vs. Mansfield (Friday 9/2/22)
All students involved
Dance Team Tune: Runaway Baby
Uniform: New white Summit band shirt, black shorts, marching shoes, long black socks, water jug sling, lyre, flipbook, hair off collar
Call time: 5:00 (the band hall will remain open after school for students who need this accommodation)
Finish time: 11:00ish (watch for updates on the BAND app or come join us at the game!)
- 5:00 – arrive at Summit Hand Hall
- 5:15 – inspection
- 5:25 – load buses/depart
- 5:50 – arrive at VNS, load stands
- 7:00 – game starts
- 8:15ish – halftime
- 10:15ish – game finishes, load buses, pack up
- 11:00ish – arrive at SHS, clean up, dismissal.
Action Items
March-A-Thon (Saturday, 9/17/22) Donations due 9/16/22
Collect your $100! Ask community members, neighbors, friends and family to sponsor your performance throughout the day. If you’re a Freshman/Sophomore, ask some of your Junior/Senior friends how they did it. Some students have already collected their money and MORE!
This event is a “required” $100 per person fundraiser for the band, but you are more than welcome to get more donations to help the band program (and we need it!). If you already paid this $100 fee at Registration Day, then you are already covered! If you receive over $100 of donations, 10% of whatever you raise will be added to your band account – just like WiddyUp!
As a reminder, this parade takes place in the Fannin Farms neighborhood and involves the band playing music and providing concerts for donors. If you or a friend live in this neighborhood, just a $50 donation gets you a personal concert. Contact summitboosterprez@gmail.com if you or someone you know would like to schedule a private concert. More details, call times, and uniform information coming soon!
Uniform Fitting Make Up Day (Thursday 9/1/22)
Ms. Lozada will be in the uniform room this coming Thursday after school for students who missed Registration/Uniform Fitting Day. (Thank you Ms. Lozada!) Students who missed Uniform Fitting Day should come after school, before rehearsal (3:00-4:00).
Upcoming Payments
September 16th – March-A-Thon envelope due into the booster box by the band office.
September 19th – All the tangible items need to be paid off by this date including our $120 uniform fee (unless a payment plan has been made with me) in order for your student to receive their custom made performance uniform – and man are they beautiful!
October 7th – Activity Fee 1 due ($140). If this was paid at registration day, you do not need to pay.
Masterclasses start this week and information will be provided on the BAND app! Make sure your concert instrument is in good working order and you are all stocked up on reeds.
Apparel issues
If you received the wrong size, or would like to re-order an item in a different size, keep an eye on the Band App. I’ll be placing a new order in by Tuesday!
Spirit Wear
I am hounding TMF to get our spirit wear webstore open – as soon as I get that link, I’ll send it your way! Spirit wear will also include show shirts – which many of you have asked me about!
Student Corner
Goals for this week
- Part 1: Get Part 1 up to full tempo (160bpm) and off of the met. Perform Part 1 without met at football game.
- Part 2: Finish setting Part 2 and increase tempo from 140bpm to 150bpm. Perform part 2 music and drill with met at football game.
- Part 3: Start working and memorizing part 3
- Stand Tunes: Add Take on Me and Paint it Black to stand tune rep for next football game.
Homework for this week
- All-State: Work on Etude 1, cut 1 for your masterclasses, after masterclasses, work on etude 2, cut 1 for next week.
- Show: Work on memorizing part 3.
- Stand Tunes: Work on Take on Me, Paint it Black, and any stand tune music you’re not comfortable with thus far.
Recap from game
- Playing more: We only play when we’re on defense – we were not on defense very often this game. I’ll try to get you to play more this coming game.
- Throwing food: I heard reports of younger students throwing food during our break – older members, please help guide these students to do the right thing. If they refuse, find a director and they will be dealt with appropriately.
- Snack: Seniors will go to snack first after the half time performance.
- Everyone, please ALWAYS thank the parents who are volunteering their time to be there with you.
- Restroom: Always ask a parent chaperone to go with you to the restroom. They are hanging out in front of the band,
- Water jugs: Once you feel like you have had a sufficient break – gather your section to pick up your water jugs
- Time lost: We lost three and a half hours of rehearsal last week because of the combined dance team routine, I know this effected your half time performance and some of you didn’t feel great about it. We have a full 8 hours of rehearsal this week and we have to be efficient and effective. Show up on time and ready to work and be pushed so we can make up for that time.
Other things
- Weather: Slight chance of rain all week – be prepared for anything weather wise for after school rehearsals. If it is raining, we will have indoor music rehearsal.
Looking forward to a more “normal” week 🙂
Thank you everyone for your continued support of the Summit Band! It takes a village!