Jag Band Update 9/18/22
Happy Sunday Jags,
The staff is looking forward to a really great week of learning and cleaning as we march forth into our first competition this week at Newsom. Here are your reminders and updates for the week!
Schedule at a glance
This Week
Monday: Full Band 4:00-6:00 – with competition uniform top
Tuesday: Full Band at Anderson 5:00-8:00 (please find own ride to RL Anderson)
Wednesday: no rehearsal
Thursday: Full Band 4:00-7:00
Friday: No school. Football at Burleson
Saturday: Mansfield Preview of Champions at Newsom Stadium
Next Week
Monday: Full band 4:00-6:00
Tuesday: Full band 4:00-6:00
Wednesday: no rehearsal
Thursday: Full band at Newsom 5:00-8:00 (please fine own ride to Newsom)
Friday: Full band 4:00-6:00
Saturday: Wylie Marching Invitational at Wylie High School
Old Business
Football vs Seguin
This was undoubtedly the most important day for the future of our band program. I implored the students to ensure that our 7th and 8th grade friends have a great time, talk to them, teach them how to dance in the stands, and give them a really good memory to reflect back on when they meet with their counselor to choose to participate in band or not. Our students delivered. When I went around and talked with the 7th and 8th grade students, they had nothing but good things to say and how excited they were to be a part of our band next year. A bonus was our best performance of the show yet. 🙂
It was indeed a “thon”. That was a lot of marching! The students made a lot of memories for the members of the Fannin Farms community, and we made some money doing it too! I just wanted to thank all of our parents and volunteers who helped made this a special event. We currently raised about $8500 for the band program with some more payments coming in. That money goes directly back to your students to give them a great marching band experience.
Upcoming Event Information
Stadium Rehearsal at RL Anderson
Rehearsal is from 5:00-8:00 and students will need to find a ride to the stadium. Percussion and sound will be loaded in the AM, large wind instruments and props will be loaded after school. It would be great if the truck could be at RL Anderson by 4:30 at the latest. We’ve needed this rehearsal for a while and the staff is very much looking forward to it!
Next Fundraiser: Butter Braids
Students will be receiving information, pamphlets, and order forms on this fundraiser on Friday of this week (9/23/22). I’ll update you with more information as it comes. YAY!
Football Game vs Burleson at Burleson (Friday 9/23/22)
All students involved
Dance Team Tune: Edge of Glory (new this week)
Uniform: White performance shirt, Summit black shorts, marching shoes, long black socks, water jug sling, lyre, flipbook, football uniform
Call time: 5:00 (the band hall will remain open after school for students who need this accommodation)
Finish time: 11:00ish (watch for updates on the BAND app or come join us at the game!)
- 4:45-5:00 – arrive at Summit Hand Hall – attendance taken by Section Leaders at 5:00
- 5:15 – inspection – must be in full uniform at this time
- 5:25 – load buses/depart
- 6:15 – arrive at Burleson, load stands
- 7:00 – game starts
- 8:15ish – halftime
- 10:15ish – game finishes, load buses, pack up
- 11:00ish – arrive at SHS, clean up, dismissal.
Competition at Newsome, Mansfield Preview of Champions (Saturday 9/24/22)
All students involved
Uniform: BLUE performance shirt, Summit black shorts, marching shoes, long black socks, water jug + sling, competition uniform
Itinerary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L4QN1KOdTvY9J9IAd7TeaqwHaDk1Jj3_z1uf1fm3Q9c/edit?usp=sharing
Competition at Wylie, Wylie Marching Invitational (Saturday 10/1/22)
All students involved
Uniform: BLUE performance shirt, Summit black shorts, marching shoes, long black socks, water jug + sling, competition uniform
Itinerary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VP32rlHnwTdCMcpmI0tfqp32a6cIApPIH4fV5cwSjoA/edit?usp=sharing
Action Items
March-A-Thon Payment Stuff
If you weren’t able to turn in your March-A-Thon $100, please do so as soon as possible so we can close out that fundraiser.
Tangible Items payment due tomorrow
If you haven’t paid for the items that were given out on Registration Day, please bring that payment in so we can pay our bills! 🙂 Check out your personal account information that I sent out a couple weeks ago.
Activity Fee 1 payment due October 7th
Just giving you all a heads up. If this wasn’t paid at registration day, we’ll need this payment turned into the band office by the 7th of October!
Spirit Wear
The spirit wear store can be accessed here: https://stores.inksoft.com/summithsband/shop/home
We’re closing the store on WEDNESDAY of this week (9/21/22) so these items to get to you in a timely manner. Order soon! Items will be shipped directly to your home!
Competition Itineraries
Click on the link for the most updated itinerary. All itineraries will be finalized about a week before the competition.
Mansfield POC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L4QN1KOdTvY9J9IAd7TeaqwHaDk1Jj3_z1uf1fm3Q9c/edit?usp=sharing
Wylie Invitational: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VP32rlHnwTdCMcpmI0tfqp32a6cIApPIH4fV5cwSjoA/edit?usp=sharing
MISD Showcase: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oSIrViKS-sM33BoaTrDz42txkF8UAGcGVf5_9jFToRA/edit?usp=sharing
NEW UIL Region: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16UCirHk0jJNy9lPRjnsbT5HY5di1FFmAaMFPA0ihUYA/edit?usp=sharing
BOA Midland: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TJ7CMi0n7POdJork8qFyhBb-kmCf1IRzwiqvB0AhfNg/edit?usp=sharing
Student Corner
Goals for this week
- Part 1: Add small arm visual before Seaweed.
- Part 2: Get part 2 off of the met, add a couple small visuals. Balance out between high and low brass/ woodwinds at the stadium rehearsal.
- Part 3: Finish the last couple of sets, work to get this off of the met and add some visuals.
- Part 4: Memorization and cleaning of music. Pick a trumpet solosist.
Homework for this week
- All-State: Work on Etude 1, cut 2 for your masterclasses.
- Show: Work on music at full volume with great posture – all members must contribute and look the same regardless of experience level.
- Stand Tunes: Work on stand tune music you’re not comfortable with thus far.
Recap from game
- Show Recap: Watch the video this week and come up with some goals for yourself. Write them down in a note in your phone and check in with yourself throughout these rehearsals.
- Black Band Shorts: I know you all are used to wearing your own shorts under the uniform, but from now on, the expectation is to wear those black shorts under the uniform so we can prevent any damage happening to the uniforms. Some of the other athletic shorts can bleed dye when they get sweaty which can damage the uniforms over the years, and with as form fitting as we want these uniforms, we need the thinness of our black shorts. Also, at comps, when we change out of the competition uniforms, I want us all in uniform.
- Middle School Night: The middle school kids loved you guys. Thank you for “doing your job” and making them feel welcome. I can’t tell you enough how much that means for the future of the band program 🙂
- Behavior: Keep a high standard of behavior even when we’re tired and finished the halftime show. Your performance doesn’t end until we’re off the bus. Saw a couple people on their phones in the stands. We can’t be doing that peeps. If you have an emergency, come see a director and we can discuss the use of the phone if you need it.
- Hair: Hair stays up until we walk in the band hall/ get undressed for the last time of the day. Please and thank you!
Can’t wait to perform for a great crowd on Saturday!
6 days until our first competition! What will you do personally to get prepared for it?
Travis Whaley
Director of Bands
Mansfield Summit High School
1071 Turner Warnell Rd
Arlington, TX 76001
682-341-0972 (office)