Jag Band Update 1/22/23
Hello Jag Family,
Hope your week went well. Please read below for the latest and greatest news with the Jaguar Band.
📆Schedule at a glance📆
This Week
Monday: 🚩3:30-5:30 JV WG, 🚩5:30-8:00 V WG, ❗3:30 All-State student photo in concert uniform at CPA
Tuesday: 🚩3:30-7:00 JV WG
Wednesday: 🎷3:30-4:30 jazz; 🎉5:00pm-9:00pm Jason’s Deli Spirit Night!
Thursday: 🚩3:30-7:00 V WG
Friday: 🎷3:30-4:30 jazz
Next Week
Monday: 🚩3:30-5:30 JV WG, 🚩5:30-8:00 V WG, ❗Summit Open House TBA
Tuesday: 🚩3:30-7:00 JV WG
Wednesday: 🎷3:30-4:30 jazz, 🚩4:30-8:00 V WG
Friday: 🎷3:30-4:30 jazz, 🚩3:30-5:00 JV WG, 🚩5:00-7:00 Tentative V WG
Saturday: 🚩First guard contest at Lamar HS!
Region Orchestra Concert this past weekend
Just want to say congratulations to Alan Garcia, Alex Medrano, and John Hunt for a fantastic concert with the Region 5 Full Orchestra. The concert sounded fantastic, and they performed well! Wonderful job friends!

💼Old Business💼
New Booster Board Leadership and Open Positions
Almost completed
Last Update I informed everyone on a couple of positions that have opened on the board. I would like to thank Roy Hayhurst for stepping up and taking over the social media accounts, and Darlene Lozada for taking one of the board positions. If you are still interested in joining the board and help the program run smoothly, contact myself and/or Amy Garcia at summitbandprez@gmail.com
DJ for Jazz Dinner Dance
Thank you to those who have reached out to me about the this. I should have some more information regarding the event this week and I will follow up. If anyone has any other “hookups” or “recommendations” for a DJ, let me know!
2023 Fall Show Props
Not completed
Still need a volunteer for this. I would like to use that prop that sitting outside the pod on the band grid. I just need someone to go out there and tell me if the prop is salvageable, if it will fit in a box truck, about how much it might cost to restore, and if the motor/ elevator on the prop still works.
Shoot me an email if you can help with that. Thanks!
Silent Auction Items for the Jazz Dinner Dance (repeat from last week)
If you know of a business that would donate to our Jazz Dinner Dance silent auction, please let Amy Garcia know (summitbandprez@gmail.com) We would like to get as many items as possible to select from for a successful night. We are still planning to do the section baskets – more information on that next week – but I just wanted to put this out there in case anyone has some connections
💼New Business💼
Wind Symphony will be recording for 5A Honor Band
We had a short conversation as a band, and almost everyone agrees that we want to go for this. What does this mean? We have up to four tries to record our UIL program and submit the recordings to a panel of judges. Those judges will then listen to the recordings, rank the bands at the region, area, and state level. If we win, the band will be able to perform at TMEA 2024 as the 5A Honor Band winner. More information is coming on this soon.
First Colorguard Contest at Lamar HS (2/4/23)
Detailed itinerary coming soon
Performance time Cadets: 9:00am
Performance time Pearl (JV): 10:34am
JV Awards: 12:30pm
Performance time Onyx (V): 1:58pm
V Awards: 5:45pm
If you’re a parent and you’re wondering what we need to do for the colorguard contests, don’t fret, Ms. Sam is working on an email to send to you. We don’t feel we have to do a big meeting as long as we check our emails. 😉Guard contests are much lower key from a parent volunteer standpoint than marching band season. Food is low key as well because we want to encourage the students to bring cash to purchase food from the concession stands at the schools we visit. If we hosted a guard contest, we would wish the same thing as most of the profits from hosting a show come from the concession stand.
Some volunteer opportunities will be driving the box truck, riding the bus, and helping load the props.
Ms. Sam asks would like anyone who is interested in getting Winterguard specific information, please scan this QR code and join this BAND channel

💰Fundraising Corner💰
Vertical Raise OR Coupon Digital Coupon Book
Please check out the Parent and Booster BAND channel and answer the short question I asked. When speaking to the rep at Vertical Raise, he suggested we sell a digital coupon book for the spring semester and keep the donation drive to a once-a-year thing in the fall, during marching season, but he’s willing to do whatever we need to do.
We need to raise funds for winterguard props, instructional staff, masterclass teachers, lesson scholarships, marching band props (STATE YEAR!), show design, and instruments. If you’re not part of the parent BAND channel, please scan the QR code.

More info coming out on this soon!
Jason’s Deli Spirit Night
1718 U.S. 287 Frontage Rd Ste 200.
Every little bit we get from these Spirit Nights helps!

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful week! 🐾