Jag Band Update 1/8/23
Hey folks,
Take two. I sent the draft of the update riddled with spelling and grammar errors – Microsoft Outlook is glitching pretty hard on my end. Here is a “more correct” take on this week’s Jag Band Update.
Welcome to semester 2. It has been a ride this first semester, but I am excited to see what the second half of year can bring. We have a ton going on. Region concerts, winter guard (WG) contests, jazz band, small ensemble performances, TMEA, UIL, spring concert all in just a few short months. Let us dig in.
Students, if you have not played your instrument all break, do sotodayso we can hit the ground running tomorrow reading possible UIL music!
Schedule at a glance
This week
Monday:3:30-5:00 JV WG, 5:00-6:30 V WG,
Tuesday:3:30-8:30 JV WG, 7:00-8:00 booster meeting
Wednesday:3:30-4:30 jazz
Thursday:3:30-7:30 V WG, 3:30-4:30 jazz,
Friday:WG Payment Due, Region clinic at Arlington CVPA
Saturday:HS Region Concert at Arlington CVPA
Next week
Monday:No School, MLK day
Tuesday:3:30-6:00 JV WG, 6:00-8:00 V WG
Wednesday:3:30-4:30 jazz
Thursday:3:30-6:00 V WG, 6:00-8:00 JV WG
Friday:3:30-4:30 jazz
Saturday:Middle School Region Concert at Arlington CVPA (go support your Howard friends)
Yesterday, at Coppell High School, students from all across DFW auditioned for a spot in one of the Texas All-State bands. Something that is no small feat. Of course, we are proud of everyone who went through this All-State process which ultimately made them better musicians, makes our band better. My heart goes out to those who ultimately didn’t get what they want, but I am thrilled two announce that FOUR of our Summit Band students made the 2023 Texas All State Band.

Joe Fondren – Alto Sax – 1st in the room – 5A
Iniquez Rusk – Trumpet – 1st in the room – 5A
Alan Garcia – Trumpet – 2nd in the room – 5A
Mauricio Cruz – Tuba – 3rd in the room – 6A
We are allproudof the demanding work that you have put in and that you get to represent the Summit Band next month in San Antonio at TMEA! More information will be sent out to those students soon regarding their next steps in the process.
Winter Concert
Parents, guardians, and friends, I hope you all enjoyed our Winter Concert last month. If you have any suggestions on how to make these concerts better or would like to add some sort of component to it, I am all ears. Shoutout to Lori Peugh for putting together those wooden rose bouquets and arrangements to bring in a little bit of money into the program. Our next concert featuring the concert bands is pre UIL onMarch 27th for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble, andMarch 29th for the Wind Symphony at the Mansfield CPA.
Holiday Social
Thank you to the students who put together a great social last month. Looking forward to having more in the future!
Upcoming details
Booster Meeting 7:00pm (1/10/23)
Summit Band Hall
Join us for our monthy band booster meeting at 7:00 this Tuesday in the band hall!
Region 5 HS Concert Bands (1/13/23-1/14/23)
Arlington CVPA
900 E Sanford St, Arlington, TX 76011
Every student should have received a region band information sheet in their music folder, if they did not, I attached it to this email. Details can be found there. Lunch and transportation is on the students’ own. Rehearsals are at the Arlington CVPA at 900 E Sanford St, Arlington, TX 76011.There are not a lot of food options around the CVPA, so please plan accordingly. The first rehearsal is Friday 6:00-9:00 – students, please do not sight read the music at this rehearsal. Have accidentals marked, recordings listened to, and be the most prepared people in the room. Concert schedule is as follows:
4:00pm – 9th Grade Symphonic Band
5:00pm – Symphonic Band
6:00pm – Wind Ensemble
I strongly recommend thateveryone in the program attendsat least one of these concerts to support their friends participating in the bands. I would love to get a Summit performer and “supporter” picture after each of the concerts!
Region 5 MS Concert Bands (1/21/23)
Arlington CVPA
900 E Sanford St, Arlington, TX 76011I will be getting details on the times for this concert, but please put this date in your calendar. It would be great to get a picture of the future and current Summit students at this performance!
Winter guard Props
Now that we arere off from break, it is winter guard prop building time – please keep an eye on your emails regarding prop building.
As always, check the BAND app often, especially this semester that has so many moving parts.
Thanks all!
Travis Whaley
Director of Bands
Mansfield Summit High School
1071 Turner Warnell Rd
Arlington, TX 76001
682-314-0972 (office)