Jag Band Update 10/9/22

Happy Sunday after a 23-hour band trip down to Midland,

A Message from Me
I just wanted to start with a resounding THANK YOU to both the students, parents, and band staff of the band program. These trips were hard; but the fact that we had four good performances in two days is a testament to the resilience of everyone involved. Parents: from our STUDS to our bus riders, to our coordinators, to our parents who donate items when they can – it surely takes a village to make this program run, and our village is strong. Students: I have learned over these ten-ish weeks together that this band is full of good people with good hearts and high standards. We had some adversity these past couple of days – hot buses, cold buses, hot weather, chilly weather, rain, a garbage can that smelled like a wet dog wrapped in diapers – we persevered, and I am proud of every one of you for doing so. We have been getting compliments on your behavior from bus drivers, other band directors, parents from other schools, and that what makes us “winners” off the field which is just as important as our performance on the field. Thank you for having those high standards for yourself, and each other. Staff: Ya’ll are awesome, and I am so happy we can laugh though all the “oh my gosh” moments that we have together.
I cannot wait to finish this season with focus, energy, and clarity with our final 15 hours of rehearsal remaining. It is cleaning “season”, and I am really looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish the Circle’s Edge.
Schedule at a glance
This Week
Monday: No school, no rehearsal – Indigenous People’s Day
Tuesday: UIL Marching Contest (itinerary below) Take uniform home for cleaning after UIL
Wednesday: full band 4:00-7:00
Thursday: full band 4:00-7:00 
Friday: Homecoming Football vs Corsicana (Newsom)
Saturday: No competitions!
Next Week
Monday: full band 4:00-6:00
Tuesday: no rehearsal
Wednesday: full band at Newsom 5:00-8:00
Thursday: full band 4:00-7:00
Friday: full band 4:00-4:45, Football at Everman
Saturday: Area Marching Contest at Birdville (final contest of the season)
Upcoming Event Information
Fundraiser: Butter Braids (due tomorrow)

EVERYBODY LOVES A COMEBACK You asked and we listened. Bavarian Creme butter braid s back by popular demand! Layers upon layers of buttery dough filled with a sweet vanilla custard and topped with chocolate fudge icing.
Bring your forms, envelope, and cash/checks to the band office tomorrow. Make sure your envelope is clearly labeled with your name and the amount of money you have enclosed.
UIL Region Marching Contest (10/11/22)
All Students involved
Uniform: BLUE performance shirt, Summit black shorts, marching shoes, long black socks, water jug + sling, competition uniform. All students please take uniform home after UIL performance for cleaning.
Football vs. Corsicana (10/14/22)
All students involved
Uniform: WHITE performance shirt, black summit shorts, marching shoes, log black socks, water jug + sling, football uniform
Next Week
Final Stadium Rehearsal at Newsom (10/19/22)
Rehearsal is from 5:00-8:00. Percussion and sound will be loaded in the AM, large wind instruments and props will be loaded after school – tuba players and students who push the tarps, please be here after school to load your equipment and then be at Newsom by 4:30 to unload. Leadership students, please be at the stadium by 4:30 so we can put 4 step “gacks” on the field with tape. 
Football at Everman (10/21/22)
All students involved
Uniform: WHITE performance shirt, summit black shorts, marching shoes, log black socks, water jug + sling, football uniform
UIL Area B Marching Contest at Birdville ISD stadium (10/22/22)
All students involved
Uniform: BLUE performance shirt, black summit shorts, marching shoes, log black socks, water jug + sling, football uniform
Itinerary: TBA (depends on rating from Region) 
Action Items
Turn in those Butter Braid orders!
Student Corner
Goals for this week
  1. Clean the show in large chunks
Homework for this week
  1. All-State: Work on Etude 1, cut 3 for your masterclasses.
  2. Show: Clean and unify everyone
  3. Stand Tunes: Livin’ La Vida Loca
Recap from competition 
  1. PDA in uniform: If you are a “couple” in the band, no one else should know about it – please refrain from PDA when in uniform/at a band function. This means when we are both wearing the competition uniform, and when we are wearing our “summit band” shirts/shorts. There are couples that do a REALLY good job at this, and some that do a not so good job at it. 
  2. Shakos all on or all off: I know this is new for all of us, but it makes the band look more unified. 
  3. Overall: Most of the band is doing the right thing at the right time when you are supposed to, and I am grateful for that. When it comes to behavior in the band, remember this: what we allow is what continues. If you allow yourself/others to do things that make you ashamed to be in the band or make the band look bad, that behavior will continue after you,or they leave. If you see something, please speak to a director about it. We will keep you anonymous. 
  4. Scores: Will be shared on the BAND app.
  5. Judges’ comments: Access to comments will be coming soon.


Travis Whaley
Director of Bands
Mansfield Summit High School
1071 Turner Warnell Rd
Arlington, TX 76001
682-341-0972 (office)