Jag Band Update 2/5/23
Hello Jaguar Band Nation,
Well, last week didn’t go as planned… Students, the plan right now is to jam as much of last week’s agenda into your faces over the next couple of days to catch up and then come up with a plan for the rest of week based on what we find out tomorrow. I sincerely hope you put the horn to your face this week and rocked out some fundamentals and concert music technique because that’s the only way we succeed as a band; we all have to do our part. If you didn’t play this week, please do so today. You guys know how frustrating it is to come off a break both musically unprepared and physically weak. We all want to have a great week, but in order for that to happen, make sure you do your part. Play today, come in strong and ready to work tomorrow. Here’s your update for the week….
📆Schedule at a glance📆
This Week
Monday: 🚩3:30-7:00 V WG,
Tuesday: 🚩3:30-7:00 JV WG, ❗7:00-8:00 Booster Meeting
Wednesday: 💼TMEA-teacher’s out,🎷3:30-4:30 jazz
Thursday: 💼TMEA-teacher’s out
Friday: 💼TMEA-teacher’s out,🎷3:30-4:30 jazz
Next Week
Monday: 🚩3:30-5:30 JV WG, 🚩5:30-8:00 V WG
Tuesday: 🚩3:30-7:00 JV WG, ❗7:00-8:00 Booster Meeting
Wednesday:🎷3:30-4:30 jazz
Thursday: ❗Summit 8th Grade Night
Friday: 🚩3:30-7:00 V WG🎷3:30-4:30 jazz
Saturday: 🎶MISD Middle School Ensemble Contest at Summit
Winterguard Contest at Lamar
Huge congratulations to Sam Sorensen, Camryn Hewelt, and the design team on a great first contest this past weekend. Also, thank you to the parent volunteers that worked with the guard staff on getting all the equipment to and from the contest! All three band directors and Mr. Dees were able to see all three performances and we were beaming with pride after each group performed. If you’re able to come support the guard at some point this season, you should. These kids have been putting in serious work to make their performances fantastic.
For the results, the Summit Pearl Guard (JV) performed well enough to be promoted into the next class up. Congratulations! The Summit Onyx Guard (Varsity) placed 3rd out of 23 guard in their division. We can’t wait to see where they go. Great job colorguard on representing the strength of the Summit Band!

If you want to see videos of their performance, join their BAND group.

💼Old Business💼
Jazz Dinner Dance Baskets (action required)
The two ways we make money for this fundraiser are through ticket sales, and our silent auction. The picture on this post has themed baskets for each section. Please consider donating items so we can have a successful event! Also, this is the last opportunity to earn volunteer points to offset the final activity fee #2 payment. Starting after Spring Break, any student who has not earned the volunteer points will need to pay the $140 activity fee #2 fee. See below for the donation list:

Summer Band Dates
Below are our Summer Band dates for the upcoming marching season. Please try to schedule vacations around summer band. The students have the majority of June/July off. It can be very difficult for students to earn a Varsity marching spot if they miss summer band. Please let me know if you have any questions. The dates are the following:
May 15, 16, 18 – Incoming Freshman Camp, 5:30pm-8:00pm
May 30 – June 2 – All Members, 1:00pm-5:00pm
July 10-14 – Percussion and Guard Camp, 8:00am-4:00pm
July 17-19 – Leadership Camp, 8:00am-4:00pm
July 24-28 – All Members, 7:00am-4:00pm
July 31 – August 4 – All Members, 7:00am-4:00pm
August 7-11 – All Members, 7:00am-4:00pm (possible time changes due to teacher in-service)
August 14-15 – All Members, 7:00am-noon
2023 Marching Season Competition Schedule
Sat. 9/23: Mansfield
Sat. 9/30: Wylie
Sat. 10/7: March-a-thon
Fri. 10/13: Possible Pre-UIL
Sat. 10/14: Birdville
Tu. 10/17: Region
Sat. 10/21: Saturday rehearsal with clinician
Sat. 10/28: 5A Area at Birdville
Mon. – Wed. 11/6-11/8: 5A State Marching Contest in San Antonio
Booster Board Opening
Almost completed
Roy Hayhurst: social media account, thanks!
Darlene Lozada: for taking the co-chair position for 1st VP with Mandi Roach, thanks!
💥STILL OPEN💥: 2nd VP which is in charge of fundraising.
Dilapidated Elevator Thing
Not completed
BAND DAD NEEDED! Just want to know if that scaffold elevator thing outside the pod is salvageable before I drop $$ on a totally new prop. Help me save money!
💼New Business💼
Sectionals starting after TMEA
Ms. H and I are working on figuring out sectionals, but we need your input. Fill our this form if you have a reoccurring sport/activity after school that may conflict with sectionals. You will have to be logged in to you school account to fill it out… sorry: https://forms.gle/KHqp9pnRv1BSDZ3MA
💰Fundraising Corner💰
Coupon Digital Coupon Book
Start compiling your 10-20 emails/phone numbers to launch our Spring fundraiser. We need this to be successful so we can launch into this coming marching season successfully! For more details, check out the previous Jag Band Update!

Thanks for reading. Have a terrific week!

…disappointed I have to go back to school tomorrow.
Travis Whaley
Director of Bands
Mansfield Summit High School
1071 Turner Warnell Rd
Arlington, TX 76001
682-314-0972 (office)