Jag Band Update 5/14/23
Hello incoming Summit Jaguars!
Below is this week’s Jag Band Update – a weekly email I send with updates and celebrations in the Summit Band Program. I’m sending this one to you to remind you of our upcoming FRESHMAN CAMP this week on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:30 to 8:00. Can’t wait to see you there!
Hey Jag Band Family,
Happy mother’s day to every mother, or every mother-like figure in our band family. You’re the wheel that keeps everything spinning and we all know you deserve more than one day a year to be celebrated. Thank you for all that you have done, are doing, and will continue to do!
A lot accomplished this week: instrument cleaning✅ auditions✅ leadership training✅ banquet✅
Now on to: Instrument inventory 🔲 uniform inventory 🔲 locker cleanout 🔲summer repair 🔲 incoming freshman camp🔲 final exams🔲
📆Schedule at a glance📆
This week
Monday: 5:30-8:00 Incoming Freshman Camp + Leadership, Region Jazz etudes released
Tuesday: 5:30-8:00 Incoming Freshman Camp + Leadership
Wednesday: During school – Frog Week pep rally
Thursday: 5:30-7:00 Incoming Freshman Camp + Leadership, 7:00-8:00 Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting
Band Banquet
Thank you so much for a successful band banquet. It was really great to see all the kids so “gussied up” and celebrating one another. One more shoutout to the SENIOR CLASS OF 2023!!! Thank you so much for helping all of us through this year of transition. Attached to this email is a full color digital copy of the program that was on the tables to keep forever. Feel free to screenshot your wills and remember our seniors forever! We will have the banquet pictures uploaded to the SmugMug shortly and we’ll share the link with you once they’re online. Congratulations to all involved!
Band Auditions
We have successfully auditioned well over 130 students for next year between the three directors and the colorguard staff. Audition placements will be announced soon. 😧
👀Upcoming Events👀
Freshman Camp 2023!
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (5/15, 5/16, 5/18) 5:30-8:00
Incoming 9th graders and full leadership team only
5:00 – leadership arrives
5:30 – camp starts in BH 1
8:00 – dismissal for 9th graders
8:15 – leadership dismissed after brief meeting/check in
Freshman Camp Parent Meeting
Thursday (5/18) 7:00pm – leaders should stay till end
6:30 – captains and drum majors set up chairs in band hall 1. Drum Majors greet parents at the door, captains return back to group.
6:50 – camp ends!
7:00 – meeting starts
7:30ish – meeting ends, leadership cleans up and enjoys weekend!
Movement/Body Camp
Tuesday-Friday (5/30-6/2) 8:00-12:00
ALL members of the 2023 camp should attend
This camp will introduce all new across the floor exercises, a new body warm up/routine we’ll use throughout the year, and all new music & movement exercises. All members of the band should plan to attend. The exercises introduced in this camp will be part of the Varsity Marching Band Auditions in early August, so don’t miss out!
🚨New Programs This Summer🚨

💰Fundraising Corner💰
The Fundraising Corner is back y’all! The boosters and I have banquet on the mind, and we would REALLY like to figure out a way to have ALL students attend the band banquet in the future and/or really amp up the banquet for the coming years. This upcoming fundraiser is 100% going into our 2024 banquet fund to make next year’s banquet more extraordinary, or perhaps free or less expensive for students depending on how much we can raise. So now, without further ado the boosters would like to present you with:
The 4 Day Popcorn Blitz Fundraiser
Who: Everyone can participate 8th grade students through seniors
Why: to help fund the 2024 Band Banquet!
When: Thursday May 18 to Monday May 22
How: Here’s the one hurdle: go to your app store and download the “Double Good” app. Enter IVCXQE for the code. Make your pop-up store. Share on social media/ email/ anything digital. Sit back and relax and know that you’re helping fund next year’s band banquet.
Band Payments
Thank you all for getting those payments in. Trust me when I tell you that it’s my least favorite part of my job. Everyone should have received an email from me letting me know what your remaining balance is. Remember, you pay by cash, check, money order, or online on our website. We are down to $27,274 in unpaid band fees. So please, keep paying off those balances.
That’s all for now. See you soon and have a terrific Week.