Hey folks,
Welcome to the last Jag Band Update of the school year, and the last week of school. Seniors, it’s your last Jag Band Update. CONTAIN YOUR EXCITEMENT. Ladies and gentlemen, we made it. But there are a few things we need to take care of in order to button things up night and tight, and then start next year off strong.
Bring back your school uniform
Cleaned or not, bring this back tomorrow (Monday). Hang it on the rack in the room and fill out the QR code taped to the rack
Bring back your “home horns”
Show Ms. H your home horn and bring all the accessories that came with it. We may set up a cleaning station for you to clean it, and then we’ll check it back out to you, or we’ll just check it back out to you 🙂 We need this to complete our inventory.
Tomorrow is the last day of the popcorn blitz
More details a the bottom of the message, but do your part and sell that popcorn! All the profit will go towards 2024 band banquet!
This week
Nothing but exams. PASS YOUR CLASSES!
Next week
Tuesday: 8:00-12:00 Movement/Body Camp (all 2023 members)
Wednesday: 8:00-12:00 Movement/Body Camp (all 2023 members)
Thursday: 8:00-12:00 Movement/Body Camp (all 2023 members)
Friday: 8:00-12:00 Movement/Body Camp (all 2023 members)
Freshman Camp
This was great! Currently sitting at 40-45 freshman entering the program. Overall heard it was super positive and we can’t wait to get those future Jaguars trained into the performers we know they can be! Great job this week incoming freshmen!

Guard at Howard
The Summit guard took the show on the road to Howard this past Friday in hopes to drum up some interest in the fall color guard program. Their auditions will take place during the May 30th camp. If you have anyone interesting in joining the color guard, encourage them to attend that camp!
Movement/Body Camp (repeat from last week)
Tuesday-Friday (5/30-6/2) 8:00-12:00
ALL members of the 2023 camp should attend
This camp will introduce all new across the floor exercises, a new body warm up/routine we’ll use throughout the year, and all new music & movement exercises. All members of the band should plan to attend. The exercises introduced in this camp will be part of the Varsity Marching Band Auditions in early August, so don’t miss out!
🚨New Programs This Summer🚨
“In-Town Tuesday” Rehearsals (repeat from last week)
Every Tuesday throughout the Summer
If you and/or your kiddo happen to be in-town, we want them to come up to the school for a sectional with one of the directors, a tech, and/or a section leader. We will go over a daily fundamental routine, music exercises related to our Varsity Marching Band Auditions in August, stand tunes, and the marching show! Average sectional time should be about two hours and I would like them to take place in the time window of 8:00-12:00, although the band hall will be open until 5:00 that day. The scheduling of these sectionals will be the section leader’s responsibility. This will also be the designated day that summer lessons can/will take place.
Summer Workout Social on the BAND app (repeat from last week)
I’d love to start a thread on the BAND app which sole purpose is to share “what are you doing this summer?” posts (especially with video or photos since it’s just more interesting than text) and specifically anything geared towards staying active: gym, running, yoga, just being outside etc… The fact is, the better in shape you are, the easier summer band is going to be! It also sets us up for a better season when we can focus more on the performance. Honestly, I just enjoy seeing the posts and staying in touch with everyone over the summer and I think it’s a great way for people to interact, but it’s also just good motivation and fun to see what others are doing, it’s also an opportunity to show your personality and let people get to know you better. It shouldn’t be a stressful thing but should be fun.
We’re going to have the leadership team take the lead in June, and then ask everyone else to jump in for July, but everyone is welcome to post in that thread and we’d love to see what you’re up to this summer! (I just made this poster for fun, this isn’t any official workout or anything)
💰Fundraising Corner💰
The 4 Day Popcorn Blitz Fundraiser
Who: Everyone can participate 8th grade students through seniors
Why: to help fund the 2024 Band Banquet
When: Thursday May 18 to Monday May 22
How: Here’s the one hurdle: go to your app store and download the “Double Good” app. Enter IVCXQE for the code. Make your pop-up store. Share on social media/ email/ anything digital. Sit back and relax and know that you’re helping fund next year’s band banquet.
Band Payments
Thank you all for getting those payments in. Everyone should have received an email from me letting me know what your remaining balance is. You can pay by cash, check, money order, or online on our website https://summitjaguarband.cadenza.works/jaguar-band-payments/. We are down to $24,210 (as of 5/21/23) in unpaid band fees. So please, keep paying off those balances.

That’s all for now. See you soon and have a terrific Week.