Jag Band Update 5/28/23
📆Schedule at a glance
Congratulations class of 2023!

👀Upcoming Events
Movement/Body Camp (repeat from last week)
Tuesday-Friday (5/30-6/2) 8:00-12:00
ALL members of the 2023 camp should attend
Attire: athletic shoes (no CROCs, basketball, or skating shoes), athletic bottoms (shorts, sweatpants), loose fitting athletic top (any color)
This camp in completely indoors and will introduce all new across the floor exercises, a new body warm up/routine we’ll use throughout the year, and all new music & movement exercises. All members of the band attend this camp. The exercises introduced in this camp will be part of the Varsity Marching Band Auditions in early August.
SASI Drum Major Camp (DMs only)
Friday-Saturday (6/2-6/3) 9:00-4:00
Drum majors only
This will be held at either Mansfield HS or Summit HS (will get confirmation this week). Drum Majors, I’ll send info on this to you soon.
MISD Movement Camp
Friday-Saturday (6/9-6/10)
All available leadership, then open spots will go to seniors, then juniors, then sophomores
This will be held at Legacy HS. June 9, 2023 – 4pm – 8pm (Students & Directors). June 10, 2023 – 8am – 12 (Students) & 1pm – 4pm (All Directors)
Sign up will be posted on the BAND app later today!
👏Action Items (lots of them)
2023 Apparel
The store is open now until June 4th!
Just a reminder that now is the time to purchase your apparel for next year. An email was sent out last week with all the details. If you can’t find that email, click HERE (BTW, all Jag Band Updates and emails I send to students/parents are also uploaded on the website for easy access). All items will be shipped to your home. Refer to the email for items you need to purchase.
Join our 2023 Remind
Open the Remind App or text 81010. Our 2023-2024 remind codes are:
General student remind (students only): @sjb2324
General parent remind (parents only): @sjb2324p
2023 BAND App
Don’t forget so sign up for the BAND app – our communication hub for the entire band program!
Students, and parents/guardians: https://band.us/n/afa99cC8ocz7d
Parents/guardians only: https://band.us/n/a1a592Cbo0zcr
Students: be sure to have your full name, and a picture of yourself in your profile
Parents/guardians: have your full name and affiliation like “Kenny Doe (Jane Doe’s dad)” and adding a picture is optional for you.
💲2023 $50 Uniform Deposit
Due June 2nd
This first payment of the 2023 season allows us to purchase our competition uniforms that take 2-3 months to produce. Here’s how you/your student can pay:
Cash: in a sealed envelope with student name and amount enclosed written on the envelope and put in the white mailbox in the band hall.
Check: made out to Summit Band Boosters with the students’ name written somewhere on the check and put in the white mailbox in the band hall.
Online: go to www.summitband.com, click parents, click “Jaguar Band Payments” (or click HERE) and follow the instructions. You must add 4% to your total when paying online. There’s a calculator on the website, or you can use your own calculator and multiply what you’re paying by 1.04. This means you’ll make a $52 payment if you pay online. Gotta love those “convenience fees”.
💲2023 $70 MISD Instrument Rental Fee Notice
Due April 2024
In the effort of total transparency, MISD requires the band programs to charge a onetime $70 instrument usage fee per year if your student uses a school instrument. Luckily, this is not “per instrument” – so if multiple school instruments are used, it’s still just one $70 fee. This helps with the cost of maintenance, cleaning, and replacement parts for the instrument. This does not cover negligence/ dropping the instrument.
The reason why this is a separate post is this money goes into the school activity account which has separate rules (this is new this year). You can choose to pay this now, at registration day, or any time during the next school year BUT it must be paid separately from other payments. You can pay:
Cash: in a sealed envelope with student name, amount enclosed, labeled “instrument fee”, then put in the white mailbox in the band hall.
Check: made out to Summit Band (no boosters) with student name and parent drivers’ license number on the check and “instrument fee” on the memo line, then put into the white mailbox in the band hall.
Online: You cannot pay this through our website. You will be able to pay via payk12 when the school year starts.
💲2022 Band Fees and Payments
Past Due
Hey folks, thank you to everyone who was able to clear out their band fees this year. We’re rolling over about $21,788 in unpaid band fees going into next year. You can make payments online (click HERE), bring cash/check into the band hall throughout the summer, or pay it off at Registration Day. Getting these payments taken care of is going to set us up for success this coming season as we push to make state marching contest!
Summer Lessons
If your student made the top band (Wind Ensemble) they are required to be in lessons throughout the school year, or if your kiddo made Symphonic Band or Concert Band and has aspirations to be in the top ensemble at some point in their high school career, they should definitely take lessons. Well over 80% of the Summit Band is in lessons – which is by far the biggest reason we are successful as a program, but our goal is 100%. Remember at the top of this email, our 2023 seniors earned $700,000 in music scholarships – this didn’t include academic scholarships or financial aid. Lessons had everything to do with this.
We have some fantastic educators on “faculty” and getting started during the summer is a great way to keep those chops up. Contact one of our private lessons teachers to set up today. Cost is $20 per half hour over the summer, but there are half-scholarships available provided by the boosters that last August through May. Applications for those scholarships will be out during July band camp. https://summitjaguarband.cadenza.works/about/lessons/
🚨New Programs This Summer
That’s all for now. See you soon and have a terrific Week!