Jag Band Update 7/13/22
Hello again Jags and happy Wednesday!
This will just be a quick update from me – the big “registration” day email will be sent out at the end of this week/early next week – just ironing out some apparel details/ designs/ prices.
I know this was the system we have used to sign up for things in the past, and we may still use it – but it looks like we’re leaning towards using the BAND app for all of our sign-up needs to keep everything in one place. Don’t forget to sign up for the BAND app!
Students and parents: 

Spirit Wear
We’re going to be using a company called TMF and they’ve whipped up a few designs for us already. The great thing about TMF is that (if we decide to use this option) they ship directly to your home. Here’s a DRAFT of some of the designs you may purchase in addition to your band stuff – prices blacked out because we’re still working those out! I think they did a great job. This Items will be available for ordering during registration day.

Registration Day
Big email is still coming this week or early next week, one thing I want you to be aware of is that I’m not requiring you to buy new marching shoes this year if they are still in good condition. Please find and bring your old marching shoes so we can check the condition and make sure it still fits your feet appropriately.
Parent Day Meeting
Students are allowed to join this meeting as well! You’ll get to meet the directors, talk about a few policies and procedures, and then see our uniform design and show concept. It won’t take too long, but we would love for everyone to attend!
Craft Fest
Craft Fest 2022 is a GO. The theme this year is Winter Wonderland AND SANTA WILL BE THERE. Can you believe he made time out of his busy schedule to come to our Craft Fest? What an Honor. If you know of anyone who would like to participate as a vendor, have them send an email to summitbandprez@gmail.com. Entry is $5 and it supports your Summit Band Program!

Don’t forget about it! Turn the completed form in to the band office on your first day!
See you all soon Jags,