Jag Band Update 7/17/22

Hey folks,
Hope all is going well! I’m officially going to start sending these updates every Sunday from now on, and then maybe a mini-update in the middle of the week if we need it. 
Upcoming Events – Most information is in the 7/7 update – check that out for more details.
Reminder that all of these updates are on the website too!
July 20-22: Leadership Camp 8:00-4:00 (lunch 11:30-12:30)
July 20-22: Percussion Camp – Battery 10:00-12:30, Front Ensemble 1:30-4:00
*Percussion leaders do not need to come to leadership camp – Mr. Solis will be working with you exclusively.
July 20-22: Guard Camp 10:00-4:00 (lunch 12:30-1:30)
*Guard leadership WILL attend the first block of leadership (8:00 to 11:30)
July 21: Parent meeting! 7:00-8:00pm
In the band hall. Students are encouraged to come.
July 25-29: Full Band Camp 7:00-4:00 (lunch from 12:00-1:30)
July 29Kickoff with our first fundraiser: WiddyUP *new information here*
From 10:00 to 12:00noon we’ll gather in the band hall and get all the students signed up and kick this thing off! You may have already received a message/email from the WiddyUP people – if you didn’t, you will soon!
Tentative incentives:
  • if you get one donation before lunch, you get a DONUT!
  • if you get two donations before lunch, you get your favorite movie theater CANDY! 
  • If you get three donations at any point, you get a $5 Amazon and/or Starbucks GIFT CARD! 
  • the top earner between August 1st – 5th regardless of quantity of donations will get a $10 Amazon/Starbucks GIFT CARD!
  • the top earner at the end of the fundraiser will earn at $100 gift card of your choice!
  • finally, all donations after the first $100 will kick back 10% towards your band fees!
July 30: Band Social – 6:00-9:00pm
There have been a lot of teacher changes at the school – so if anything gets in the way of this social, I’ll let you know!
  • DCI watch party in the band hall
  • Kareokee in the choir room
  • Dodgeball in the PE gym
  • Volleyball in the JV gym
  • Pizza in the commons!
August 1-5: Full Band Camp 7:00-4:00 (lunch from 12:30-1:30)
  • August 2nd is still a very strong possibility of getting cancelled.
August 6th: Registration/ Uniform Fitting Day
Almost all ironed out – email coming early this week. 
New private lesson staff
I would like to formally introduce Mr. Kyle Williams to our low brass faculty. He will be teaching mostly euphoniums but is completing his doctorate in trombone performance from North Texas.
I would also like to introduce Mr. Janier Hoyos Bermudez who will be teaching clarinets. He is working on his doctorate degree at TCU. 
Just another friendly reminder to get these taken care of! I know some providers won’t allow you to retake a physical before your old one expires, that’s totally fine! The one we have on file lasts for one year.
Thank you
We had a smattering of parents and students who came to help clean out the storage pod. Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who helped out!
Handbook Attendar Stuff
I know a couple of parents have brought this up already. I had no idea a handbook wasn’t part of the Summit band culture, so I know it’s a little intimidating at first. Understand that I want students to have the best high school experience possible and I’m more than willing to work out any conflicts. Briefly…
  • Rehearsal vs practice/rehearsal – split the time/ leave early from one and arrive late to the other
  • Rehearsal vs game/performance – go to the game/performance with no punishment from either organization
  • Game/performance vs Game/performance – Student chooses with no punishment form either organization (as long as it’s communicated!)
Hope this helps ease some minds 🙂
Smile/ Amazon Wishlist
Add us so we can get some $$ back!
That’s all folks!
Don’t forget to sign up for BAND and Remind! See you all so, so, so, soon!
Travis Whaley
Director of Bands
Mansfield Summit High School
1071 Turner Warnell Rd
Arlington, TX 76001
682-341-0972 (office)