Jag Band Update 7/7/22

Hey folks!
Summer band is right around the corner, and I just wanted to give you some more details on all the events before the fun really begins.
Website Updates
Attendance – parents and students, please submit your absences through the website under the attendance tab. I ask that a parent fills this out and the details are on that page. This will help keep my inbox clear as well! If you’re going to miss a rehearsal, report it a week in advance; if you’re going to miss a performance, report it two weeks in advance so it can be considered “excused”. In most cases, expect to make up at least some of the time.
News – Every Jag Band Update will be added under the Media > News tab, just in case someone is not on the email list, they can get information there. Spread the word!
Overall – I’m still messing around with it, feel free to peruse some of the new pages. I’m working on allowing payments on the website, and a few other neat things. If you have any ideas of items to add to the website, please let me know!
Just a reminder that we will need these the first day your student arrives to the band hall. I’ll attach the forms to this email again in case you can’t find it. (It’s also now on the website!)
Upcoming Events
July 20-22: Leadership Camp 8:00-4:00 (lunch 11:30-12:30)
What to bring: something to take notes with, water, lunch
What to wear: lightweight athletic marching band type clothing and athletic shoes
July 20-22: Percussion Camp – Battery 10:00-12:30, Front Ensemble 1:30-4:00
What to bring: all sticks, mallets, and drums you may have taken home, water
What to wear: lightweight athletic marching band type clothing and athletic shoes
July 20-22: Guard Camp 10:00-4:00 (lunch 12:30-1:30)
What to bring: equipment you may have at home, water, lunch
What to wear: lightweight athletic marching band type clothing and athletic shoes
July 21: Parent meeting! 7:00-8:00pm
Meet the new band directors in person, talk about new technology we’re using in the program, enjoy our SHOW AND UNIFORM REVEAL, find out ways to volunteer, talk about fees and registration day, ask questions to the new directors!
July 25-29: Full Band Camp 7:00-4:00 (lunch from 12:00-1:30)
What to bring: instrument and music, at least a 1/2-gallon insulated water jug (P.S. the boosters are buying the band members all matching jugs this year! But they won’t be in until a later date, so don’t spend too much on a water jug for camp), and lunch
What to wear: lightweight athletic marching band type clothing and athletic shoes
*Be sure to drink at least one gallon of water the day before (the 24th) and eat a healthy breakfast so your body is ready for the next day. 
July 29Kickoff with our first fundraiser: WiddyUP
Sometime during the afternoon block of time (1:30-4:00) we’ll gather in the band hall and get all the students signed up. To give you the reader’s digest version of WiddyUP – its video based, and we make 95% of what is earned. Students create a profile, make a video about what we are raising money for, and then the people who donate to their account can see bonus videos. Perhaps of the students playing some music, or doing a duet with a friend, or doing something else they love besides band. It’s up to them! And ONLY the people who donate to their account can see those videos, so it’s secure.
Tentative incentives: Gift cards for: most earned in 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, and overall. Next Incentive – After the first $100 raised, the students will earn 10% back into their accounts to help pay Activity Fee 2! If you raise $200, $10 goes back to your account etc…
July 30: Band Social Time is TBA (have to check facility availability)
Not mandatory, but highly encouraged – it’s great to get to know someone “outside” of the band and build those bonds. In order to work together, you must know who you’re working with! JOIN US! Plus, you’ll see how poorly the band directors play Smash Bros or watch us catch a volleyball with our face. It will be great! The event will be run very similarly to last year’s band social with different “stations” that the students can choose from. Volleyball, dodgeball, game tournaments etc… More details will be coming soon – have to wait for the district to open back up on the 11th.
August 1-5: Full Band Camp 7:00-4:00 (lunch from 12:30-1:30)
*There is a SMALL possibility that camp will be cancelled on the 2nd due to MISD new teacher training – I’ll keep you posted.*
What to bring: same as July 25-29 camp
What to wear: same as July 25-29 camp
August 6th: Registration/ Uniform Fitting Day
All the details on registration day will come in a separate email. What you need to know is that you’ll need to carve about an hour of time out of your day (more if you’re a freshman) and be prepared to pay for some/most/all your band fees. An updated handbook with the fee schedule is attached to this email. Check out Page 20 for the financials info there. We’re asking for the custom uniform fee ($120) if you didn’t pay it in May, and whatever tangible items you will need – see handbook for details, and I’ll send a massive registration day email later.
The tentative schedule will be as follows:
8:00am – Seniors A-M
8:30am – Seniors N-Z
9:00am – Juniors A-M
9:30am – Juniors N-Z
10:00am – Sophomores A-M
10:30am – Sophomores N-Z
11:00am – Freshmen A-M
12:00am – Freshmen N-Z
Try to make it to your time so we can keep the flow going. If you can’t make it for your allotted time for whatever reason, just come before 1:00pm 🙂
That’s all for now. I’ll be sending the massive Registration Day email in the coming days will all the district forms that need to be signed, as well as details of the event.
Don’t forget to Join BAND and Remind. Go Jags.
Travis Whaley
Director of Bands
Mansfield Summit High School
1071 Turner Warnell Rd
Arlington, TX 76001
682-341-0972 (office)